ADENVERSE: More than a project

2 min readApr 28, 2022

0 and 1 are two numbers of absence and presence.The binary number system… The system that triggers the birth of technology and changes the world forever. Although the binary number system is not well known, it is the largest system behind all the technological innovations in the world today.

Although the binary number system has a very simple structure, it enables very complex systems to be created and this is how Adenverse receives its power from this numeric system. The whole structure is built on a binary number system and this is the first and greatest step for creating a masterpiece like Adenverse.

The Adenverse is a digital universe built on 256 lands and the rest of it is a sphere covered with water. Adenverse is a metaverse project consisting of 32(²⁵) regions and 256(²⁸) lands. It is built vertically on 16(²⁴) and 16 axes horizontally . Each name is indicated by a code. Land codes are classified from 1H1V to 16H16V. Adenverse’s total habitat has been calculated to be 68,719,476,736 (²³⁶) square meters with the opening of all the lands.The entire habitat will be opened for use in 3328 days, approximately 9 years, 1 month, and 13 days. Adenverse is a platform where people can live freely with a sense of semi-decentralized management. In that way, people can develop and have a voice in the management as they please.

Adenverse presents its users with a whole new experience. It is a metaverse platform where people can much better meet their lives and expectations. You can do especially your social activities in this platform besides, you can manage your daily routines in many areas such as work, education, health care etc. Adenverse is a human-centered ecosystem. It’s an ecosystem for people to fulfill their dreams and desires. People are involved in this ecosystem with the Metahuman characters they create. It is a better-developed ecosystem with fewer resources and less cost. The Adenverse platform has its own culture for a better future. In the basic philosophy of Adenverse culture, people always comes first. This philosophy has set serving humanity as its main mission. Everything created in the Adenverse ecosystem is for humanity to reach a better future




Adenverse is the #metaverse world where users can own land, develop it, create their own world and earn money from it.