1 min readMay 12, 2022


The financial system of the Adenverse platform is based on AdenToken. AdenToken are obtained by excavating the blocks on the lands. 4 AdenToken are won in each block. This means that 268,435,456 AdenToken can be won on each land. The value of the circulating supply of the AdenToken is set as 268,435,456. This number is equivalent to the block reward value of the first land and the total supply is set as 68,719,476,736. This value is equivalent to the sum of all the lands’ block rewards. As the lands open, the number of blocks that can be excavated will increase and over time the value of the Circulating supply will reach the Total supply. The Circulating supply value is planned to reach the Total supply value in a minimum of 3328 days.

Circulating Supply : 268,435,456

Partnership & Advisor (%12.5) : 33.554.432

Liquidity (%12.5) : 33.554.432

Exchange (%12.5) : 33.554.432

Marketing (%12.5) : 33.554.432

Community/Airdrop (%6.25) : 16.777.216

Token Sale & Investor (%25) : 67.108.864

Core Team (%18.75) : 50.331.648




Adenverse is the #metaverse world where users can own land, develop it, create their own world and earn money from it.